What a day!I got on the treadmill and did the second week program of Couch to 5K. Which meant that after a 5-minute warm up walk, I did 90 seconds of jogging and 2 minutes of walking. And after a totally sedentary weekend, I was huffin' and puffin'! At least I *did* get on it right? And yes, I still maintained the same speeds I was at last week (5 kph walk, 6.5 kph jog).
Went I got to the office, Dad was behind MY desk, having his lunch. So I did other non-computer stuff (which was about nothing, hehehe). I went down to the mall to Toys R' Us to get Riley his birthday gifts of some Pokemon fighting toys. For all their ugliness, Riley's face was a joy to watch, when he opened his gifts and found the Pokemon fighters in the gift bag :)
What a night!We trooped to Makati to meet the family of Zhar before Zhar and Rod get married. Zhar's family was totally funny and uproariously funny, especially Zharro. We had a pleasant dinner care of Ponzo's, although the food could have been a lot warmer, according to most everyone. Dessert was YUMMY---the rich, sinful chocolate cake, and the calorific mango crepes. Aaaahhhhhh! And yes, the kids were there as well, because Elizza made sure to bring a birthday cake for Riley to blow on his special day. Stole a little bit of the show, but I don't think Rod would have traded it for anything.....he was trying to get away from all the attention focusing on him and Zhar.
In fact, we never talked about the wedding at all, which was the sole purpose of dinner! Sheesh! Hehehehe. Everyone was having too much fun, eating too much and getting to know each other to be serious about the night's purpose. Oh well. I guess it was understood? Hehehehe.
And now I am just pooped! Poor Rogan had an asthma attach while at school today, too! :( He missed only the last 2 classes but it was clear that he couldn't breathe very well. We made sure he drank some medicine, and got some nebulization done. At least the asthma didn't affect his appetite---he still ate a ton at dinner!
Not sure what triggered his asthma, but I'm guessing it's the changing seasons again, and the dust and pollution everywhere. Really gross, if you really think about the disgusting air we breathe in. How do I know it's in the air? Well whenever we're in the States, Rogan NEVER got an asthma attack. At all.
Maybe next time, we can vacation in Australia. I'm positive none of the kids'll have any asthma attacks AND we haven't been there as a family. Japa has never gone, either. I'd love to sightsee in Sydney and Melbourne again.

Look at how pretty it is! :) Of course, we'd have to travel on a strict budget!
Sydney Hotels and
Melbourne Hotels won't be all that cheap of course. But I'm always on the lookout for great bargains! Those two cities will most likely be more expensive than getting some
Brisbane Hotels just because they're more well-known and people flock to them more. A great deal to me is free breakfast at the very least.

Inclusive tour prices would be awesome as well. The Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour (I remember a great mall there, hehehe), and the kids are going to LOVE the Sydney Aquarium!
But until we get enough to travel as a family AND the kids are old enough to understand and appreciate the value of travel, Australia will simply be on our wish list :) Soon, hopefully. In the next 5 years maybe?
Good night! Gotta make sure Rogan sleeps well and is able to breathe well throughout the night.