Thursday, September 27, 2007

My November Trip

My November trip to the States may not push through any more. Sigh! I was thinking of going with Tita Belen and Roc when they go to Washington DC, but it looks like Mom wants to go....and we can't both go since they're going to be getting regular hotel rooms instead of timeshare units. Now I have NO excuse to go to the States!

But maybe.....with Dic and Lai and Rod and Zhar? Hmmmm......but nah....I don't want to look like a stupid 5th wheel since Japa doesn't want to go. On the other hand though, I don't mind being the 5th wheel! Hahahaahaha! Oh well. We'll see.

I don't think Randy and Stella can go along either, since they'll be honeymooning in Europe around that time. I'm not quite sure if they're going to Barcelona, as the Spanish Embassy was where they applied for their Schengen visa, but I know they're going to several cities in Switzerland. Paris is going to be a main stop for them as well, and I'm still trying to convince them to take the train via the Chunnel (I've never been on this one, as it was finished AFTER I had done Europe more than a decade ago, hehehe) to London. They've budgeted a doable $70 per day for food, and their hotels have been pre-booked, I think. So here's hoping they go on a stress-free honeymoon! :) to try and figure out how to wrangle a trip to the States somehow. I want to---NEED to---go off somewhere! Hehehehe.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let's go go go!! C'mon!!!