Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Dancing the Night (Evening) Away

Oh my aching feet, not to mention my aching body!!! We had dance practice this evening, and it went from 6-9 pm. Everyone showed up, including the priests from PACEM. Even Fr Benny was there! He finally made it to practice! :)

In the beginning, the priests said they would rather not dance, but would sing, since they were more comfortable doing that. Which sent Bang into panic mode because the priests' number was already incorporated into the program. So she went into this spiel of mom and dad already seeing priests who sing, but who normally don't dance. She convinced the priests to at least try the dance step and just sway in place if they weren't too comfortable with their steps. Their number? YMCA. No, we're not going to ask them to dance half-naked in front of 400+ people! I think! Hehehe. A few minutes later, we saw all 5 priests following choreographers Margot and Noli: marching, saluting, swaying their hips to the music!

And by the end of the night, they were actually ENJOYING their dance! Hehehehe. Of course, it helped that we were all cheering them on when they were dancing. They were so cute to see....and they were very fast learners! Lai took a video of them so that they could take it home and practice as a group.

After the 3-hour practice, us kids still stayed an extra hour dancing :) Critiquing each other. Or more like, *I* was doing the critiquing. Japa stayed at home, sick in bed, so I was without a partner. It was funny, too, the way we would remember Margot's tips on technical dancing: point your toes, lift your arm that's not doing anything, look this way and that way, etc.

So Ran and Stella, you've got your work cut out for you when you guys get here! That's a whole lotta dancing to catch up on!!!

Some scraps I uploaded before we practiced:

I am sooooooo sleepy! The meds did something wonky, making me stay awake until 530 in the MORNING!!! Ugh! And I woke up at 630 am when the kids were watching TV in our room! Sigh! Of course they watch TV in our room, despite the fact that they have their own units in their rooms. Go figure! Off to bed I go, after practically stuffing a couple of Tylenols down Japa's throat, who didn't want to take his meds 20 minutes earlier than scheduled. Men!


Bethany said...

hey girl! just wanted to let you know that you won a free wordart pack from my scraporchard store! just email me at with which kit you want, and i'll send you the coupon! thanks so much for leaving some love!

bethany (Elegant WordArt)

Kate Hadfield said...

tee hee now I have a mental image of the priests doing the YMCA dance! LOL Great layouts as usual!!