Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Scrapping in the Hospital

I stayed with Mom at the hospital, since Eldon went home to his province, and Mike had the night shift. Dad slept the ENTIRE day! It was so hard to wake him up, too, he was so groggy from the anti-seizure meds he was given yesterday at the ER. Still no word as to what exactly caused him to faint, or to have a seizure. The neurologist didn't want to say for sure if Dad had a seizure. He had a bunch of tests conducted to see what really happened.

While I was in the ICU, doctors streamed in, as well as technicians for an ECG and an EEG. It was really a mind-boggling thing, to see all these things that were being done to Dad! I kept up a steady stream of questions for the technicians (Mom did the talking with the doctors) as they did their thing. I swear, the complexities of modern medical technology is just amazing!

Of course, prayers will STILL work, and, as always, are needed, especially for Dad. Modern medicine can only do so much, I think, and yes, God will do the rest. The will to live AND faith in Him can do wonders for the body and soul. And Dad is living proof of that.

Anyhoo, I was in the ICU for a few hours. I hunkered down in one corner, on a footstool, to scrap. I had to finish the poster of Raegan in time for her Portfolio night. Deadline is this Friday, and my dear daughter has been pressuring me! Argh! Anyway, it was a good excuse as any to use a lot more CT kits :)

I finished this today, while at the hospital:


At around 2 pm, I texted Lai and Bang for someone to spell me since I needed to go to the office to finish my one-on-one interviews with the staff. Luckily, Lai could leave the office and we switched places :) I conducted a number of talks with the staff, but sadly, I wasn't able to finish. I guess salaries will have to wait 'til tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed! :)

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