Monday, June 25, 2007

Australia, Anyone?

Just a short plug for Melbourne Hotels. We've always wanted to go to Australia to have a change of scenery from the States, you know? And since the kids (and Japa) love being in the cold, vacation time of March-April-May months should put us in the Fall season in Australia. Cold, but not TOO cold, i.e., dead-of-winter cold.

Looking at this site for Melbourne Accommodation, I am delightfully pleased to see the not-so-expensive prices. Actually, some of them are downright C.H.E.A.P!!! A 5-star hotel will run for as low as AU$59, or roughly P4,500 if my currency exchanges are correct. That is SO not bad!!! And 3-star Cheap Melbourne Hotels for AU$50 = P1,500?!?? Ok fine, a little bit scary for something so cheap, but you know what I mean. This means we can easily take the kids! Of course, airfare is a different matter, hehehe.

Yes, I think it's high time the kids' horizons expand a little bit. Australia's second biggest city should do the trick, eh?

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