Thursday, October 12, 2006

New Scraps on My Blog, Yay!

I finally have new layouts to share with you! I will be scrapping this past week's events, albeit a little bit slower than usual, but I'll get to it!

Let's see:

1. Ranger's 2nd Birthday - too many fun pics, and I've scrapped ONE!!! hehehe.
2. Portfolio Night of Raine - this will be up on the blog in a few minutes.
3. Portfolio Night of Rogan - I have the pics sitting in my hard drive, waiting.....
4. Portfolio Night of Raegan - this will be tomorrow, so expect MORE pics :)

That's what I have so far. And I have a feeling October's going to be a very busy month. Don't know's just a feeling.


Ok, here's a 2-pager I did for Raine's Portfolio Night:

Credits are here and here. Comment are, of course, very much appreciated! :)

{BACK PAIN DRAMA, Chapter 2}

Yesterday morning til mid-afternoon, my back and right leg were feeling mighty fine. In fact, I had expected to be on my merry way home in the very early afternoon because I anticipated that my leg would be acting up. Surprise, surprise! I lasted the WHOLE day at the office! Maybe the height of the chairs there in relation to our desks could be the thing, but I was relatively pain-free for most of the day.

Then at about 4 pm, BOOM!!! It hit me. A twisting, writhing pain that started from my right butt cheek all the way to my ankle. NOT a great thing to be experiencing!!! I had taken my pain meds at about 9 am, and I knew they should be good for 12 hours....ugh! I think NOT!!!!

I went home in the Venture, which, thank goodness, had high enough seats that I could put up my leg on the folded front seat. Went to the supermarket and shopped for the basics for about an hour. Then I went home.

Fast forward to the time I'm in bed, trying to fall asleep. The same writhing, t-w-i-s-t-i-n-g pain was in my leg!!! I could barely move it without (almost!) screaming in pain. The only thing that kept me mum was the fact that the kids might wake up. I had Japa pull on my leg, I tried the fetal position (WRONG!), I tried lying on my back. I tried every imaginable position there was and the pain would NOT go away!!!

I know, Mom, if you're reading this, that you'd say offer it to Our Lord. Believe me, ever since the pain started last week, it's already been offered. I think He knows that I may not say it often in my mind, but the pain IS for Him.

Still. It's really unbearable at times!!!

{BACK PAIN DRAMA, Chapter 3}

I stayed at home today, mostly to rest my back and my leg. I was pretty tired from trying to sleep with that kind of pain. But I DID sleep :).

A good position to be in:

1. sit on my bed with my feet dangling on the side --- but without a computer in front of me, I felt kinda stupid, hehehe.

2. lie on the bed on my tummy --- I could do this AND still be on my computer. Thank God for wireless capability!!!

3. stand. This is by far the BEST position there is for someone in my condition!

In the afternoon, I went to see a sports doctor. I was curious to see what she would say. Remember, at this point it was 1 for surgery, 1 for physical therapy.

Ms. Sports Doctor tipped the scales in favor of.........REHAB!!!! Whew!!! Of course, she HAD to insult me while telling me I could do physical therapy as opposed to surgery. I was FAT; in fact, she used the words "doubled in size" to stress the frigging point. Hmp! She also said I HAD to diet. Eeeeek!!! That word is SO not in my vocabulary!!! Is she kidding?!?!?!?

Anyway, I start physical therapy tomorrow morning. Everyday. For one week (except Sunday). Then I go back to see her.

Her point: there was NO trauma to my back that would cause the slipped discs. Apparently, I've been sitting on this condition for quite some time. Literally. So she figures that with the weight loss and some exercise to strengthen and condition my long-lost muscles, I could go back to "sitting" in the same condition as before.

No mention of surgery. At all. Yeah!

So, wish me luck that I can get through this next week of therapy HELL and that this pain would be diminished by a lot.


Happy Anniversary to Rondic and Elizza!!! 10 whole years of marriage!!! Yeah! Congratulations!!!

Can we celebrate here c/o you? hint! hint! hehehehe :)


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