Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Nothin' Doin' and Tita San update

Nothing major today. I did drop by the office for a few hours. There were commission checks and other disbursements to sign, a few things to oversee administratively, and the guest list for the Shrine Inauguration on Thursday to look through.

Got an email from RJ regarding Tita San's condition:
We just spoke with the neurosurgeon at the hospital and he said that mom's condition is improving (in terms of communication) . Despite this, though, he said that he has to go in and operate again because he found a small pinhole leak in mom's skin, near the incision area, which could be infected. Upon inspection of her CT scan, he found that there could be pus filling in the void where the blood clot was before they drained it. He said he had to open her up again to make sure that's what it was, and so they can remove it. According to him, if the infection didn't penetrate the brain membrane, then they could clear it up and she should be fine. But if it did penetrate the membrane, that would make things more serious. No word yet on what will happen if the latter is true (hopefully it isn't). She'll be going into surgery now so please pray for her.
Ugh. Can you believe yet ANOTHER penetration into the brain?!?! Sigh! Poor Tita San....will definitely be praying for her; I've also told the kids to keep on praying for their Mamalols. I know God hears the kids' prayers first, that their prayers to Him go straight to him without any detours :)

One SCRAP today:
Poem (unknown author) reads:

It is said God made children,
To bring the world joy.
Through the giggles and laughter of every girl and boy.

It is said God made children,
To bring the whole world sharing,
pure understanding, kindness and caring.

It is said God made children,
To show us his peace from above.
For it is said God made children to bring us LOVE.

Credits: kit - One Woman's Treasure by Royanna Fritschmann at Divine Digital; fonts - Adler, Times New Roman Arial Narrow; layered sketch - Round n Round 1 by Janet Phillips

That highlighted photo was one of the few ones that had all 4 kids in it during the photo shoot. Sigh! I can't even begin to tell you how frustrating it was trying to get all 4 of them to look at the camera at the same time, to smile at the same time, to pose relatively at the same time. Add another 4 kids from Elizza and Bric from Bang, and our lovely photo shoot was entire chaos, hehehe.

Speaking of the kids, I am dying to fix up their rooms soon, especially since school will be starting next month. I need to have their closets all fixed up, their clothes all ready for school, their bedrooms all tidied up, the kids bedding all straightened, their desks emptied of clutter.

I also need to enroll them, shop for school supplies, wrap the books, label everything of theirs....the list goes on and on and on.....



Monique said...

Beautiful layout, i love the colors! And i'm so sorry to hear such sad news, i send my best wishes for a speedy and successful recovery.

Tracey said...

The Layout is gorgeous!!! I love the pictures and the colors you chose are wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

I seriously hope and pray that your aunt pulls through this and get better. Hugs to your family.