Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Just An Ordinary Day.....

Just an ordinary day, doing some stuff for the wedding. We took the girls to the Marikina Shoe Expo to have ourselves outfitted for shoes for the wedding to match our gowns. Next door was a shoe store for boys and I went in to buy a pair of black leather shoes for Ranger; he had already outgrown the ones he wore to Val and Ram's wedding. Can you believe that his teensy weensy shoes cost the SAME amount as mine?!?!?! And mine are custom-made!!! Sheesh!!! P950 for a pair! Hayayayayay!

Just an ordinary day, having lunch with the kids and Randy and Stella. Practically a hole-in-the-wall, not noticeable place in Marikina Shoe Expo was Bellini's, an authentic Italian restaurant. Japa says that the guy who owns and runs and cooks for the place is an Italian photographer who was here during the Edsa Revolution in 1986. Apparently, he loved it here so much, he never left! He married a Filipina and set up his restaurant. It was soooo good and so authentic! Yum yum yum! Price-wise, it wasn't cheap, but it wasn't prohibitively expensive either. We just ordered a tad bit too much, which was what upped the price, hehehe. Thank you to Randy for lunch! :)

Just an ordinary day, swimming with the kids in the afternoon. What WASN'T ordinary was that I am just dead-tired right now from racing with them! It was all the kids plus Randy, Stella, Japa and myself. And can I say OMG----the kids were just incredibly FAST! Sheesh! My body is paying the price right now for me attempting to TRICK this damn old (no one mention fat!!!!) body into thinking it was still in its peak when I was in my 20s!!! Hahahahahahaha!

Lessons we learned from swimming and racing with the kids:
1. I should never let Rogan get a headstart, no matter how slight, when racing him as anchor for our relay.

2. Never ever let Japa race doing the backstroke. He was holding on to a kickboard and using just his legs. Raine annihilated him.

3. Always let the kids think you're slow in a particular stroke so as to surprise them with your "prowess". :)

4. Always have Rogan as a substitute....just in case our poor bodies couldn't take any more racing.

5. Try and race in a shorter pool---we adults have more chances of beating the kids in a race!

6. Never agree to doing 2 consecutive laps in a 25-meter pool. Although the adults won, we could easily have had a damn heart attack after the race!

7. Let the kids just win and get it over with....they'll end up winning anyway!

Dinner at ayala, and then back home where I squeezed in some much needed yoga to stretch my long-unused muscles! Too tired to go to the hospital, so no Tita San update for today.

Ok, I'm pooped. Too exhausted to even scrap I think!



Anonymous said...

Oh Rona I love your what I have learned list!!

Christine said...

That list is GREAT!!!!

I went shoe shopping for my sister's wedding last night... found them in 5 minutes!! YAHOO!! I totally know what you mean about kid stuff.... they can be as expensive as Adult stuff... I mean... come on!! They use only 1/8 of the fabric it takes to make adult stuff. ARG!! hehehe

Thanks for the suggestions for Gab's birthday!!! I really like the ideas!

Across the Miles Photography said...

Your list is too cute!! I had so much fun reading it! I love your blog header, too!

Brooke said...

I totally agree with you about kids shoes--they are so expensive and they only wear them like once before they grow out of them!! CRAZY!! Love the swimming list, swimming with kids is exhausting but fun! Have a great day! :)